CDC coronavirus

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Jefferson County, WA

*Last results received 3/20/2020. We are working with Jefferson Healthcare and other labs to provide the test result data. Last Updated: 3/20/2020 at 11:43 A.M.
Total Positives (confirmed cases)
          In-County Exposure
          Presumed Out-of-County Exposure
Negative   105
Test Results Pending
Total Patients Tested   332
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COVID-19 Testing  

For more information go to Jefferson Healthcare.

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Board of County Commissioner Meetings with COVID-19 Updates

Starting Monday, March 16 at 9:45 a.m., Dr. Tom Locke, Public Health Officer for Jefferson County, will be giving regular public updates about COVID-19 during the County Commissioner’s weekly meetings. (If Dr. Locke has a conflict, Public Health will provide the briefing on his behalf). The COVID-19 Updates are live-streamed for viewing on the internet, and also are recorded for on-line viewing on demand anytime thereafter.

To see live or recorded videos of the Board of County Commissioners’ meeting including Dr. Locke’s 9:45 a.m. update, go to and click on “Videos of Meetings” on the lower left side of the screen. Choose “Streaming Live” or “Recorded.”

Resources & Recommendations

Our Current Recommendations

  1. Do not go to the emergency room unless it is essential. Emergency rooms need to be able to serve those with the most critical needs. If you are experiencing symptoms like cough, fever, and other respiratory problems, contact your regular health care provider for advice. In many cases, you will not need to be seen and home self-care will be your best option.

  2. Stay home if you are sick. Children should not be sent to school; adults should not go to work if they are ill.

  3. Practice optimal person hygiene habits, including coughing into tissue or the elbow and avoidance of touching your eyes, nose, or mouth unless your hands are freshly washed or sanitized. Washing your hands before touching and eating food is also important.

  4. Stay away from people who are ill, especially if you are 60 years of age or older or have an underlying health condition such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, or a weakened immune system.

  5. Stay informed. Information is changing frequently. Check the Jefferson Public Health Website (, Washington State Department of Health (, and Public Health-Seattle King County ( on a daily basis for updates.

talking to children
When to seek medical evaluation and advice

If you have symptoms like cough, fever, or other respiratory problems, call your healthcare provider. Isolate yourself and wear a mask before leaving the house. Do not go to the emergency room. Emergency rooms need to be able to serve those with the most critical needs.


If you are having a medical emergency, call 9-1-1.  
